Name And Shame These Lye – Dudley Flytippers

Dudley Council is using its state-of-the-art CCTV cameras to deter fly-tippers by implementing the “You’ve Been Shamed” initiative. The council’s website features a “rogues’ gallery” of images captured by these cameras in Lye, which the public is encouraged to review to identify and anonymously report any offenders they recognize.

The Council has already issued five fines totalling over £1,600 to those caught fly-tipping since September last year, and plans to increase its efforts by investing an additional £150,000 in the next financial year, including £60,000 to acquire 12 more deployable cameras, which will bring the total available for use to 24.

Councillor Shaz Saleem, the cabinet member for highways and environment, urges the public to assist in the fight against fly-tipping by helping to identify and shame those responsible. The council’s upgraded CCTV system is capable of capturing detailed images from hundreds of meters away, which proves useful in catching fly-tippers.

Offenders caught dumping rubbish may face fines of up to £400 or potentially end up in court. Councillor Laura Taylor-Childs, the cabinet member responsible for community safety, emphasizes that the additional investment in the CCTV network sends a clear message to anyone considering fly-tipping that the council is always monitoring the situation.


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